Bobcat Vs Lynx | Know The Difference


Bobcats (Lynx rufus) are wild cats that fall into the Lynx genus. They are the smallest of the Lynx cats and their looks differ from the Canadian Lynx (Lynx canadensis) and the European Lynx … Read more

Baby Bobcats | What Are Baby Bobcats Called?


Baby bobcats are rare to see. They are wild animals, and unless they are abandoned or rescued, a chance encounter with a litter of baby bobcats would be almost impossible. That doesn’t mean that … Read more

Bobcat Tails | Do Bobcats Have Tails?


Bobcats have a look, unlike any other wild cat. They have small bodies with a lot of muscle and power. One thing most people would like to know is do bobcats have tails? The … Read more

What Do Opossums Eat? | Ultimate Guide


Opossums are known primarily for their unique looks. They have long tails, cone-shaped faces, and a lot of scary-looking teeth. When it comes to food, opossums eat mostly what they can find in their … Read more

10 Opossum Facts That Will Stump You


Opossums live a very specific lifestyle, but there are still probably several facts about opossums that you don’t know about. Within this guide, you will have the opportunity to learn all about opossums as … Read more

Opossum Rabies


In the wild, many animals risk getting infected with rabies. We are going to discuss how it can be dangerous for humans and why it can be incredibly important to make sure that you … Read more

Opossum Size


Opossums face tough challenges in the wilderness for a lot of different reasons. The topic of focus today will be relating to the average size of an opossum. They face many survival challenges in … Read more

What Do Possums Look Like?


Have you ever seen a possum in the wilderness? If you haven’t, then you may find their appearance a little frightening, despite their small size. In this guide, we are going to go over … Read more

Opossum Habitat


Understanding the habitat of an opossum and the reasons that their species thrive in it can be important for people that want to grow their understanding of opossums. Opossums can’t live in every habitat, … Read more

Opossum Babies | The Ultimate Guide


Opossums are known for having large litters after mating. They can rapidly reproduce and have a very short gestation period when compared to most other similar wild animals. Most opossums mate and give birth … Read more