Are Opossums Nocturnal?


There are several reasons why it might be difficult to find an opossum during daylight hours. We are going to discuss whether opossums are nocturnal and why they might avoid exposing themselves in the … Read more

American Badger Vs European Badger


The American badger and European badger are two variations of a common animal that live in different parts of the world. In this guide, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about the factors that … Read more

Badger Tail | Do Badgers Have Tails?


If you’re interested in learning about a badger’s tail, then you’ve certainly come to the right place. In this post, we’ll be discussing what a badger’s tail might look like and how different types … Read more

Honey Badger | The Ultimate Guide


Honey badgers are extremely unique wild animals that have exceptional hunting abilities. In this article, you’ll have the opportunity to learn several interesting facts about how honey badgers survive. We’ll discuss their survival skills, … Read more

How Long Do Badgers Live?


I’ve had a few experiences with badgers. They are pretty cool looking, but they can also be fierce. Recently a farmer from North Texas asked me, “how long do badgers live?” So I figured, … Read more

8 Badger Predators | What Eats A Badger?


Badgers are tough animals in the wilderness. They have a reasonable lifespan and manage to adapt to their surroundings fairly well. Don’t be mistaken though, just because they are tough and tenacious creatures doesn’t … Read more

Badger Vs Wolverine | How They Compare


There are many similarities and differences between a badger and a wolverine. In this comparison, we are going to directly analyze attributes from both of these wild animals and try to explain some of … Read more

Do Badgers Hibernate?


With a lifespan of nearly a decade in the wilderness and sometimes even longer in captivity, some people may speculate that badgers must hibernate during the winter season. Do Badgers Hibernate? While badgers do … Read more

Badger Babies | The Ultimate Guide


In this guide, we are going to take a closer look at badger babies and discuss the early stages of a badger’s life. You’ll have the opportunity to learn about the early things that … Read more