Turtle Tunnels Built by Japan Railways


In a groundbreaking initiative, Japanese railroad companies have introduced an ingenious solution to protect turtles attempting to cross train tracks. These newly installed “turtle tunnels” provide a safe passage beneath the rails, addressing both wildlife conservation and railway efficiency concerns. The Turtle-Train Dilemma For years, the intersection of turtle habitats and railway lines has posed … Read more

Do Turtles Have Tails

a turtle on a rock

As an animal expert, I’m often asked all sorts of questions about the creatures I work with on a daily basis. One of the most common questions I receive is “Do turtles have tails?” While this one surprises me a little, I’m happy to answer and explain. Yes, all species of turtles have tails. Why … Read more

Do Turtles Have Scales? An Overview

different types of turtles

Turtles are extremely cute. I think we have probably all seen a turtle or even held one in our hands. But have you ever stopped to think about what makes their skin so tough? Turtles are easily recognizable for their protective shells. But do turtles have scales in addition to their shells? As it turns … Read more

14 Small Types of Turtles (That Make Good Pets)


When I was a kid, I remember seeing turtles in the pet shop and thinking, those things are tiny! I had no idea then, that there were many types of turtles and that they could be large, small, and everything in between.  Small turtles are easy to care for and can be a great first … Read more

20 Turtle Predators: What Eats Turtles


Turtles can be both aquatic and terrestrial and they have many predators that eat them, from sharks in the water to coyotes on land! Heck, even humans eat turtles!  As a turtle enthusiast, I’ve always been fascinated by the various predators these reptiles face. It’s also pertinent to mention how turtles have adapted their abilities … Read more

What Do Turtles Do in the Winter


When I think about turtles, I think about how slow-moving they are, how easygoing they seem to be (most of the time), and how they are resilient enough to survive in nature, even during winter.  We’re going to give you some examples of how to prepare turtles for winter, and how turtles in the wild … Read more

How Long Can Turtles Go Without Eating (w. Chart)


Turtles are animals that can be aquatic, semi-aquatic, and terrestrial. However, one thing all turtles have in common is they have to eat.  While they can sometimes go long periods without eating, they still need a regular water supply to survive. How Long Can Turtles Live Without Food?  Turtles can live between 90 to 150 … Read more