10 Unexpected Ways Your Dog Shows You Love

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Dogs are known for their unconditional love and loyalty, but they don’t always express their affection in ways we might expect.

While tail wags and wet kisses are obvious signs of canine adoration, there are many subtle and sometimes surprising ways that dogs demonstrate their love for their human companions.

Understanding these less obvious expressions of affection can deepen your bond with your furry friend and help you appreciate the depth of their devotion.

Let’s explore ten unexpected ways your dog might be showing you love.

1. The “Eyebrow Flash”

You might notice your dog raising their eyebrows when they see you, particularly the left one.

This subtle facial movement, often accompanied by soft eyes, is a sign of recognition and affection.

Studies have shown that dogs are more likely to use this expression when looking at their owners compared to strangers.

This “eyebrow flash” is a uniquely canine way of saying, “I’m happy to see you!”

Next time you greet your dog, pay attention to their eyebrows – you might catch this sweet gesture of love.

2. Leaning Against You

When your dog leans their body weight against you, it’s not just about seeking physical support.

This behavior is actually a sign of trust and affection, showing that they feel safe and comfortable in your presence.

By pressing against you, your dog is seeking closeness and expressing their bond with you.

This gesture is especially meaningful coming from larger dogs who don’t need physical support.

Enjoy these moments of closeness – they’re your dog’s way of giving you a hug.

3. Bringing You Their Favorite Toy

If your dog regularly brings you their most prized possession, consider it a compliment of the highest order.

By sharing their favorite toy with you, your dog is demonstrating trust and inviting you to engage in play.

This gesture is akin to them sharing their most valued resource, showing that they consider you an important part of their pack.

It’s their way of saying, “You’re special to me, and I want to share this with you.”

Next time your dog drops a slobbery toy in your lap, remember it’s an act of love.

4. Sleeping with Their Back to You

While it might seem counterintuitive, a dog sleeping with their back to you is actually a sign of deep trust and affection.

By exposing their vulnerable back and rear end to you, your dog is showing that they feel completely safe in your presence.

This position also allows them to better protect you from potential threats coming from the other direction.

It’s a subtle but meaningful way your dog expresses their role as both your companion and protector.

5. Yawning When You Yawn

Have you ever noticed your dog yawning shortly after you do?

This mirroring behavior, known as contagious yawning, is thought to be a sign of empathy in both humans and dogs.

When your dog “catches” your yawn, it’s a sign that they’re attuned to your behaviors and emotions.

This synchronization demonstrates the strong bond between you and your furry friend.

It’s a charming way your dog shows they’re connected to you on an emotional level.

6. Following You to the Bathroom

While it might seem invasive, your dog’s desire to follow you into the bathroom is actually a sign of their devotion.

In the wild, dogs are at their most vulnerable while eliminating, so they often rely on pack members for protection during these moments.

By following you, your dog is both seeking to protect you and demonstrating their trust in you during a vulnerable time.

It’s their way of saying, “I’ve got your back, just like you’ve got mine.”

7. Raised Eyebrows and Wrinkled Forehead

A dog’s facial expressions can convey a wealth of emotions, including love and adoration.

When your dog looks at you with raised eyebrows and a slightly wrinkled forehead, they’re showing attentiveness and affection.

This expression is often accompanied by soft eyes and relaxed ears, indicating a positive emotional state.

It’s your dog’s way of saying, “You have my full attention, and I love you.”

Pay attention to these subtle facial cues to catch moments of canine affection.

8. Licking Your Face

While not everyone appreciates “doggy kisses,” face licking is a significant sign of affection in the canine world.

This behavior stems from puppyhood, when puppies lick their mother’s mouth to stimulate food regurgitation.

In adult dogs, licking faces is a sign of respect, affection, and sometimes a request for attention or resources.

When your dog licks your face, they’re expressing their love and acknowledging you as a valued pack member.

9. Sighing When Relaxing Near You

A contented sigh from your dog as they settle down next to you is a sweet expression of happiness and security.

This behavior indicates that your dog feels completely at ease in your presence.

The sigh is often accompanied by a relaxed body posture, with muscles loosening and eyes softening.

It’s your dog’s way of saying, “I’m perfectly happy and comfortable here with you.”

Cherish these quiet moments of canine contentment.

10. Greeting You with a Toy

If your dog often greets you at the door with a toy in their mouth, it’s more than just an invitation to play.

This behavior is a combination of excitement at your return and an offering of a prized possession.

By bringing you a toy, your dog is expressing their joy at your presence and their desire to interact with you.

It’s their unique way of saying, “Welcome home! I’m so happy you’re here!”


Understanding these unexpected signs of canine affection can deepen your appreciation for the unique ways your dog expresses love.

From subtle facial expressions to endearing behaviors, dogs have a rich vocabulary of love that goes beyond the obvious tail wags and kisses.

By recognizing these signs, you can better reciprocate your dog’s affection and strengthen the beautiful bond you share.

Remember, every dog is unique, and they may show their love in their own special ways.

Pay attention to your furry friend’s individual expressions of affection, and cherish the unconditional love they offer.

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Chad Fox