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Assorted Animals TEAM

Meet the team behind assortedanimals.com, where we strive for excellence in bringing you reliable information about the animal kingdom.

Our team is led by Chad Fox, a renowned wildlife expert with years of experience in animal relocation and wildlife studies.

With a dedication to accuracy and a passion for all things animal-related, we are committed to providing the best possible content for our readers.

From in-depth research to engaging and informative articles that pull from real experience, we are the top animal researchers on the web.


Chad Fox

Chad Fox is a wildlife expert who has worked on multiple ranches, farms, and zoos across central Texas. He has worked with many wild animals, such as foxes, badgers, multiple types of snakes, possums, skunks, bobcats, and more.

Angela Petree

Angela loves animals and nature. She is an avid hiker, wildlife observer, and researcher. She has worked in animal veterinarian hospitals and has experience working with wild animals.  

Wildlife Experts

The team at assorted animals have hands on experience with wild animals!


Our research includes citations, original research, and personal experience.


Our team makes sure that all of our materials are high-quality and up to date.