Where Do Bobcats Sleep?


Bobcats are solitary animals that thrive in the wild. Each bobcat has its own territory, and male and female bobcats sleep separately from one another in their dens. Once the male mates, he moves on, while the female has the kittens alone in her den. Where Do Bobcats Sleep? Bobcats sleep in their den. They may … Read more

Bobcat Vs Lynx | Know The Difference


Bobcats (Lynx rufus) are wild cats that fall into the Lynx genus. They are the smallest of the Lynx cats and their looks differ from the Canadian Lynx (Lynx canadensis) and the European Lynx (Lynx, lynx.) Bobcat Vs Lynx Both the bobcat and the Lynx, have many similarities. Such as their dark banding and spots. … Read more

Baby Bobcats | What Are Baby Bobcats Called?


Baby bobcats are rare to see. They are wild animals, and unless they are abandoned or rescued, a chance encounter with a litter of baby bobcats would be almost impossible. That doesn’t mean that it couldn’t happen though, in fact, it does happen. Many people discover litters of bobcats, sometimes even mistaking them for housecat … Read more

Bobcat Tails | Do Bobcats Have Tails?


Bobcats have a look, unlike any other wild cat. They have small bodies with a lot of muscle and power. One thing most people would like to know is do bobcats have tails? The answer will also explain why they are called bobcats. So, let’s get into this. Bobcat Tails Bobcats have short bobbed tails. … Read more

Bobcat Colors | What Colors are Bobcats?


Bobcats are a common wild cat found in various regions of North America. It can be challenging to recognize them if you are not familiar with their color patterns. In this post, we will explore the different colors that represent bobcats in the wilderness and discuss how they can use their colors to their advantage. … Read more

Bobcat Size and Appearance

Image of a bobcat with tools to measure size.

When it comes to wild cats, most people’s imaginations can really “run wild”. If you have never seen a bobcat, or have wondered about their size and appearance, then you’ve come to the right place! I’m going to discuss the size range that you can expect most bobcats to fall into and give you plenty … Read more

How Long Do Bobcats Live | Bobcat Lifespan


Bobcats are found in the wilderness and their lifespan may be a little bit shorter than you might expect. Compared to a typical household cat, bobcats have a lifespan that is less than half as long as a domestic cat.   How Long Do Bobcats Live? Bobcats can have lifespans that exceed 7 to 8 years … Read more

Bobcat Adaptations


Bobcats are often recognized for being one of the most adaptable species that live in the wilderness. They have adapted to several different regions in North America and can comfortably live and thrive in various climates. In this guide, we are going to take a look at the different biomes that bobcats can live in. … Read more

Types of Bobcats | List of Bobcat Species


One of the things that many people might not know about bobcats is that there are actually 13 different subspecies of bobcats. With a population estimated to be over 1 million bobcats in North America, the ultimate breakdown of these subspecies could be interesting, so, let’s take a closer look. There are 13 subspecies of … Read more

Bobcats As Pets | Can You Have a Pet Bobcat


Wild animals are just that, they are wild. However, some people rescue wild animals and raise them and others keep exotic animals as pets. In this guide, we’re going to go over the ins and outs of bobcats as pets. Bobcats make a difficult pet because they are wild animals. To rescue or keep a … Read more